Australia, Nov 13, 2024
Last month, our global CEO, Bob Bailkoski, visited Sydney and Melbourne for the final two events on the global CIO Summit Roadshow. In his keynote, Bob reflected on a decade of the Logicalis CIO Report, tracing the journey from 2014's "shadow IT" to today's complex landscape of technological growth, cybersecurity, and increasing regulatory and sustainability demands.
A key trend from the CIO Report is the growing role of CIOs in driving sustainability initiatives, often under pressure from both regulators and CEOs. Notably, 93% of respondents agreed that IT will be essential in achieving their organisations' sustainability goals. The business case for sustainability rests on four key pillars every CEO should consider:
- Employees: today's workforce, especially Gen Z, seeks employers with aligned values. A strong sustainability stance motivates employees and attracts talent, fostering loyalty when they see the company making a difference.
- Customers: modern consumers favour brands with genuine commitment to sustainability, basing purchasing decisions on shared values.
- Stakeholders: organisations with robust environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices outperform those relying on activities which ‘tick the box’ without tangible change (known as "greenwashing,") attracting more investment and yielding better financial returns.
- Regulations: governments are introducing stricter carbon reporting requirements, with carbon-based taxation likely by 2030. Proactive sustainability is both a moral imperative and a smart financial move, strengthening brand value and future-proofing the business.
Logicalis and Sustainability
As part of its commitment to playing a role in sustainability, Logicalis is aiming to become a net-zero carbon organisation by 2050. Its global operations have already achieved a 27 per cent reduction in scope 1 emissions and a 17 per cent reduction in scope 2 (market-based) emissions in FY24.
Here are some of the initiatives that Logicalis is implementing:
E-Waste: We’ve introduced an e-waste policy and regional plans to divert at least 50% of our operational waste from landfills. As part of this, we’ve achieved a milestone with 99% of our operations now maintaining an ICT inventory. A general waste plan and policy is also in development for implementation in 2025.
Travel: In partnership with RouteZero, we piloted a sustainable travel platform to reduce Scope 3 emissions. This pilot led to a 42% decrease in travel emissions, even with a 23% increase in travel, based on a sample of 50 employees.
Renewable Energy: We are committed to switching all operations to renewable energy, aiming for 100% by 2030. In 2024, we switched this to 50% renewable, so we are well on the way.
Environmental Policy: We recently launched a comprehensive Environmental Policy to guide Logicalis’ sustainability efforts.
Sustainable Procurement: Our new Sustainable Procurement Policy and Questionnaire which we have suppliers and partners to complete, ensures that our products and services minimize environmental impact across all operations.
Your role
At Logicalis, all employees play a critical role in advancing sustainability. Employee daily actions and choices—from reducing waste and conserving energy to supporting sustainable procurement practices—collectively contribute to helping Logicalis achieve its environmental goals. Our sustainable pledges are as follows:
- We can help our customers identify ways to incorporate environmental sustainability practice into their business
- We will encourage low-carbon alternatives for commuting, when remote or virtual options won’t work, through our travel policy
- We will partner and collaborate with others within our orbit (including customers, partners and competitors) to promote and support better sustainability practices.
- We will work towards sustainable workplaces that make Logicalis a great place to work and support our employee actions that reduce their individual and our company’s carbon footprint.
- We will continue to champion local in-country sustainability projects through our annual sustainability challenges
- Using the DFP, we will continue to provide our managed services customers with an environmental impact score to help them understand their IT emissions, alongside recommendations on how to improve
You can find out more about our sustainability pledges and our complete sustainability initiatives in the Responsible Business report here: Logicalis | Leading the Way in Sustainable IT and Responsible Business Practices.